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Steinfels Swiss is investing around CHF 35 million in a new cosmetics manufacturing building. This facility will help us to meet growing demand for sustainable Swiss cosmetics while also increasing our capacity for the manufacture of disinfectants, detergents and cleaning products. Construction officially began in autumn 2021. The new building is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2023.
The moving of the corresponding production facilities has started.
Without scaffolding and with the excavation pit filled in, our new building already looks really ready for occupancy.
In the meantime, the scaffolding has even been removed and the outside of the building is almost shining in its final splendour.
We use district heating from the waste recycling plant in Winterthur for production purposes and for heating our buildings.
This steam pipeline will now be undergoing modification and renovation.
To ensure a continued supply of steam, a mobile steam generator was delivered yesterday with the help of heavy equipment. Even empty, it weighs in at 11.2 tonnes, and it will supply us with steam in the near future. It is already picking up steam ...
You can find more on our commitment to sustainability and CO2 reduction here: link
... but only in manual mode.
The recess for the foundation stone is also already ready.
Finally the time had come - the staff were allowed to enter the new building for the first time. This makes everything much more real and tangible.
The basement, the production hall and the upper floor could be visited.
and our anticipation increases day by day.
On the first tour of the construction site for interested employees, not even the rain dampened their thirst for knowledge. It was very interesting to see everything that had changed on the site and to learn about the "unnoticed" difficulties the entire construction team has to contend with.
The party tent would have been a place to hold a convivial get-together but will shortly serve as an external storage area.
We are already looking forward to the next stage.
Finally the time had come - the laying of the foundation stone for our new building at Steinfels Swiss took place on 30.3. Even the rainy weather did not dampen the joyful mood of the invited guests. The employees received fine Prosecco and cute Steinfels Swiss construction helmets made of chocolate.
As a grateful tribute to our former factory building, the foundation stone was made using granite from one of the old window lintels.
... of the old factory.
No matter whether it's sun, rain or snow - in 2022 we will continue to make space for our new building. the end of the year, we take care of good luck in the New Year.
Our division management full of anticipation, representing the whole Steinfels Swiss:
(from left) Patrick Huber, Johannes Iten, Christian Koch, Michaela Hobi, Remo Manz, Roger Nessensohn and Denise Läubli
We said a fitting farewell to our old soap factory at a “demolition party”. There was spraying and hammering in the old halls into the night. Every employee was allowed to take a brick from the wall as a memento.
While Erich Kästner had The Flying Classroom (school novel from 1933), we had flying portable office and meeting cabins, which soared over the roofs of Steinfels Swiss on 17 September. The portable cabins were moved to a temporary location to gain enough space for the construction site installation. This was an amazing sight for everyone watching, who experienced the impressive skills of the crane operator live.
Steinfels Swiss is building a second factory at the site in Winterthur, Switzerland
(Article from Der Landbote, 7.7.2021, in German)
Yesterday – today – tomorrow
Back in late autumn 2020, the first construction measures indicating a building project at Steinfels Swiss were evident. The “old” villa had to go (unfortunately without a farewell ceremony due to coronavirus), making way for the construction site installations and the future car park in front of the new building.